Montenegrin, Macedonian Kocoska Liljana

  • Address : Kosta Novakovikj 1-a/26
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7502 км
  • Location: кај ф-ка Раде Кончар и Тинекс


    Suggested results for your search terms:

    ParkingInternet accessWi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned

    Letra prevodi-German, English, Spanish- (Letra prevodi-Germanski, Angliski, Spanski)

    • Address : bul.Partizanski Odredi 29/1 lok.5
    • Place: Skopje
    • Distance: ≈7498 км
    • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 09:00 to 17:00

    Letra Translation is a linguistic studio which offers complete service on international level. Whether if it’s about professional or court translation, simultaneous or consecutive translation, software and web page localization or specialized language courses Letra is your partner in the centre of Skopje.

    Internet accessWi-Fi ZoneAirconditionedChildren welcome


    • Address : Gjorche Petrov 34
    • Place: Skopje
    • Distance: ≈7494 км
    • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 09:00 to 20:00

    Interactive Language Studio that organizes courses, individual classes and court translations for all languages.

    Public transportWi-Fi Zone


    • Address : Kole Nedelkovski 16
    • Place: Skopje
    • Distance: ≈7498 км
    • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00

    LINGVANET DOOEL provides translations from professional translators in all languages and in many domains.


    Congres Service Centar (Kongresen servisen centar)

    • Address : Vladimir Polezhinovski (Ivan Milutinovikj) 22/4
    • Place: Skopje
    • Distance: ≈7498 км
    • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00

    With more than 14 years of experience in the providing of professional translation services in 32 languages, interpretation and organization of events, implementation of domestic and international projects as well as publishing, the Congress Service Centre today is a synonym for impeccable services with an exceptional value for the clients.


    Народната банка го објави редовното статистичко соопштение за позначајните промени кај надворешниот долг, надворешните побарувања и меѓународната инвестициска ...
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    Во изминатите неколку дена, европскиот воздушен простор беше сериозно погоден поради проблеми со управувањето со аеродромските места предизвикани од ...
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    На месец дена пред стартот на бербата на црвените пиперки во струмичко, земјоделците бараат одговор по која цена ќе се откупува. Пиперката е суровина за ...
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