Free registration in Golden Book - please fill in the form

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

* Company name:
example: R3 Infomedia
* Full Company Name:
example: Company for Consulting Finance and Media R3 INFOMEDIA Ltd.
VAT No.:
example: 4030003492487
Registration No.:
example: 5808103
* Main activity (detailed description):
example: Construction, (Building Contractors, Equipment & Supplies Steel, etc.)
* Company Address:
example: st. Lermontova, No.14, 1000 Skopje
* Phone number:
example: 02 3230 672
example: 02 3230 673
Cell Phone:
example: 070 230 673
E-mail address:
Web Page:
Company type:
example: Ltd., Sole Proprietorship, LLC, Corporation, etc.
Your First & Last Name:
example: John Smith
Job Title:
example: CEO, General Manager, Marketing, Sales, ...
Detailed description of the location:
example: Next to the Italian Embassy
Select "I'm not a robot".


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