Logik engineering

  • Address : Banatska 15
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈1049 км
  • Location: карши Кале керамика


    Logic Engineering LLC is a company founded in 2019. The primary business of the company is construction.

    The company has released several construction projects, i.e. renovation of state institutions, ongoing maintenance of buildings, etc. Apart from the primary activity, Logic Engineering is also very active in the trade of building materials, namely interior doors, steel blind doors, ceramic tiles, laminate floors, vinyl floors, air conditioners and central air conditioning systems.

    You can find our products in our showrooms in Skopje on Nikola Karev Blvd. (Plasticharska Street) and Gjorgje Petrov Blvd. 133. You can also find our products in most cities of our country in the salons of our partner companies.

    Our company is an exclusive importer for several factories and construction brands from Turkey such as ATADOOR, ITIBAR CELIK KAPI, ADO, USAK SERAMIK, EGE SERAMIK, CAMSAN, FLOORPAN.

    - Room doors
    - Entrance doors
    - Laminate floors
    - Vinyl Flooring
    - Ceramic tiles
    - Air conditioners

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