Center for mental health Dora

Public transport6 days a weekWi-Fi ZoneAirconditionedChildren welcome

  • Address : Razlovecko vostanie 4-7/6
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈1628 км

  • Working Hours: Mon - Sat from 10:00 to 20:00


Photo of Location
Center for Applied Psychology "Dora" offers psychological services relating to: children of school age, adolescents and adults.

- Method to restore pre-existing (now disrupted) levels of functioning in a person
- Personality individual growth through new forms of behavior

Psychological counseling
- Method that is used to solve a concrete problem and that takes short time.
- The counseling is directive and the client usually receives directions or instructions of the therapist as homework that has to be "done" in-between sessions.

In the center of Applied Psychology "Dora" are performed the following psychological tests:
- Assessment of intelligence in children;
- Assessment of the maturity of the child for getting to school;
- Assessment of the professional interests of children up to 15 years;
- Psycho- diagnostic assessment.

We offer an effective way of dealing with problems of the modern individual.

Working hours: always available for you at 075 / 310-781
Photo of Location

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