Beteks mtm

  • Address : Majka Tereza 4
  • Place: Skopje


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ParkingWi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned

AD Alkaloid Berovo

AD Alkaloid Berovo is a company that is engaged in the production of textile products of 100% cotton, such as cotton fabrics and sanitary materials, and also has its own final consumer products.

Parking6 days a weekDelivery


  • Address : s.Kamenjane
  • Place: Tetovo
  • Distance: ≈7468 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Sat from 08:00 to 16:00

Merino is a company that deals exclusively with the production of HTZ equipment, that is, working uniforms for all branches, starting from the construction industry, gas stations, guard uniforms and production of various models based on the demand of buyers with a combination of various shades.


Според податоците на Државниот завод за статистика, прометот во индустријата во декември лани во однос на истиот месец од 2023 година, е намален за 11.0 ...
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Управата за јавни приходи ја објави листата на должници. Листата ги опфаќа долговите доспеани до 31.10.2024 и неплатени до 31.01.2025. Вкупниот број на ...
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