Bega Metal

  • Address : Ljubotenska 148
  • Place: Tetovo
  • Distance: ≈7467 км


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    ParkingInternet accessWi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned


    • Address : Dovledzhik b.b.
    • Place: Bitola
    • Distance: ≈7551 км
    • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 20:00

    The factory is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for production of profiled sheet metal, as well as accessories for roof tin construction.



    • Address : Juzhnomoravski brigadi b.b.
    • Place: Skopje
    • Distance: ≈7503 км

    Ganlim – tinsmith service company offers you profiled sheets, gutters, tin roofs and other tin products.


    Mermeren kombinat

    • Address : Lece Koteski 60-a
    • Place: Prilep
    • Distance: ≈7547 км
    • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 07:00 to 15:00

    MERMEREN KOMBINAT AD- PRILEP is a global leader in the extraction and the production of snow white marble.


    Mzt engineering

    • Address : Sv.Kliment Ohridski b.b., lam.2/6
    • Place: Bitola
    • Distance: ≈7555 км
    • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 15:00

    Mzt Engineering is a proven supplier of equipment in the automotive industry, energy, transport equipment and systems, construction equipment, etc., and the experts rank it among the leading capacities in the field of deep drawing and metal stamping in the Republic of Macedonia and the Balkans.


    Барањето на синдикалците минималната плата да биде 450 евра новиот министер за економија и труд, Бесар Дурмиши, најави дека ќе се разгледува на првата седница ...
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    Учеството на БРИКС во глобалниот бруто домашен производ (БДП), според паритетот на куповната моќ, достигна рекордни 35,7 отсто, додека учеството на економиите ...
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