
  • Address : Sirma Vojvoda 98
  • Place: Ohrid
  • Distance: ≈7514 км
  • Location: кај Болниците


Suggested results for your search terms:

ParkingWi-Fi Zone


  • Address : 9-ti Kilometar b.b.
  • Place: Stip
  • Distance: ≈7565 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 07:00 to 15:00

DPUT “TM” DOO Shtip is founded in 2003, with legal residence on str. Strumichki pat 9-ti km b.b. in Shtip, Republic of Macedonia. The core business of the company is design, surveilance and installation of electro-energetic equipement and facilities of low and medium voltage. The company is in disposal of a hall for assembling of products, workshop for maintaining and warehouse, with total area of 700м². DPUT “ТМ” DOO Shtip has 24 employees of which 5 with university education and 19 with secondary education.


Frotkom GPS sistemi

Authorized partners of the company Frotcom from Portugal for Macedonia. The company's business is building GPS devices for controlling and tracking vehicles. Possibility of controlling oil, temperature, tachograph, revolutions.

ParkingInternet access24 hoursAirconditionedCards acceptedChildren welcomeSwimming pool

Vila Dionis

  • Address : nas.Lagadin
  • Place: Ohrid
  • Distance: ≈7518 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Sun from 00:00 to 00:00

Vila Dionis is located in the elite tourist village Lagadin, 7km from Ohrid.

ParkingInternet accessWi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned

Mi - Mak

MI-MAK offers services in the design, supervision and execution of automation electric motor drives and production processes, electrical installations, electrical lighting, electrical measurements, fulfilling all world, international and domestic standards and criteria.


Министерката за енергетика, рударство и минерални суровини, Сања Божиновска го посети Бирото за метрологија, орган во состав на Министерството, со цел да се ...
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Минималната синдикална кошница за февруари изнесува 63.773 денари и е 521 денари повисока отколку во јануари годинава кога беше 63.252 денара, соопшти Сојузот ...
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Бизнисот си ги бара парите од солидарниот данок, министерката за финансии на средби ги убедува да прифатат пребивање. Откако Уставниот суд го поништи законот, ...
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