Golden Pages and Golden Book extend services in both Bulgaria and Macedonia

Тhe two most comprehensive classified business directories in Bulgaria and Macedonia signed a partnership agreement and launched a service showing the adverts of Bulgarian companies to Macedonian users, and of Macedonian companies to Bulgarian users.

The new reciprocal service gives consumers in Macedonia and Bulgaria the opportunity to search across the border for suppliers of goods and services, and it allows businesses in both countries to promote themselves to potential customers in the other country cheaply and easily. The full database of both Golden Pages and Golden Book will be available to people searching in their local online directory.

Commenting on the agreement, Nick Saunders CEO of Golden Pages, said: "This is another example of the value we bring to businesses and consumers in Bulgaria. We are constantly looking for new ways we can help businesses find new customers and by making it easy for them to advertise in Macedonia we can help them to grow their business. And consumers now have an easy way to find suppliers in Macedonia".


Vladimir Vecovski, General Manager of R3 Infomedia said: "We are very pleased to partner with Golden Pages and to be able to give our advertising customers the opportunity to attract new clients from Bulgaria, while the consumers will love the opportunity to have easy access to all of Bulgaria’s products and services via trusted source such as Zlatna kniga. We believe that there are numerous opportunities for the businesses from both countries to benefit from the cooperation with the neighbouring countries and we want to make the first step, by offering information for Macedonian businesses to Bulgarians, and for Bulgarian businesses to Macedonians."

Golden Pages is Bulgaria’s leading local business directory and is evaluated by Bulgarians as the most comprehensive, reliable and effective source of business information in the country. More than 375,000 people visit each month searching more than 100,000 listed businesses.

Golden Book Macedonia is leading local business directory in Macedonia, voted as Superbrand for Macedonia for 2009. is one of the TOP 40 local websites in Macedonia in terms of usage, and is available in Macedonian, English and Albanian language.



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