English, Italian Krkacoska Kristina

  • Address : Илинденска бр,115 S. Velgosti -ohrid
  • Place: Ohrid
  • Location: Madzir Maalo, vo blizina na Nova Zeleznicka


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    Англиски, италијански-Кркачоска Кристина
    Kristina Krkachoska is an experienced translator and teacher who provides professional translation services from English and Italian to Macedonian and vice versa. With many years of experience and dedication, she meets all translation needs for documents, including birth certificates, certificates, confirmations, and diplomas, as well as specialized medical translations. Kristina also performs court translations and offers consecutive interpretation services for various events and meetings.

    In addition to translations, Kristina Krkachoska offers online lessons in English and Italian, helping students enhance their language skills through personalized and interactive sessions. With her expertise and professional approach, she is your ideal partner for all your linguistic needs.

    - online English and Italian language classes
    - court translations
    - translations of extracts
    - certificates
    - confirm
    - diplomas
    - medical translations
    - consecutive translations

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